13-Dec-22 Board Motion Regarding Meeting Format

The SD40 Board of Education introduced a motion at their Dec 13th Board meeting to move all future Board and Committee meetings to an in-person only format. After many parents spoke out against this motion during the meeting, the Board decided to defer a decision to their next meeting on Tuesday January 31st at 7 pm. You can find more details from the Dec 13th meeting here and here.

We are asking for your support in advocating for the continuation of Board of Education and Committee meetings in a hybrid or virtual format that allows for two-way engagement from the public. Moving back to an in-person-only format will make it very difficult for many parents and caregivers to attend and will ultimately reduce parent and caregiver engagement in decision-making processes. Further, DPACs ability to advocate on behalf of PACs, parents and caregivers directly to the Board of Education in this public and democratic venue would also be greatly diminished. 

If you would like to see school board meetings continue in a hybrid or virtual format, we encourage you to write a short email to the Board Chair and Trustees expressing your support: boardofeducation@sd40.bc.ca . Every voice counts, and the Board must hear from as many PACs, parents, and caregivers as possible on this issue.